Day 7: Mystery Celebrity

 Today when going into the office, the parking lot was packed. That means that the sound stages are being used. Which means there is somone with some sort of fame in the building. Unfortunately Sira (Mrs. Butler) didn't know who. So I dropped it.

I went in and went to my usual "desk" (actually Janelles) in Events and Decor to answer phones. However Joy told me that it was Shant's birthday today. So of course I had to go tell happy birthday to one of the nicest people I've met. Unfortunately I did not have a present so I grapped a lollipop from Events large bowl of candy and headed off to production. I went over and wished him a happy birthday and gifted him with the wonderful lollipop I paid very much for. We got to talking and he was saying how he didn't know who was in the sound stage but apparently it was someone big. Okay curiosity about Mystery Celebrity is back. He said he knew that it was a big name because his friend was the manager that booked the stage and although she couldn't disclose the name, she did say it was someone big. Now I am super curious. Unfortunately there is no way to figure out who this mystery celebrity is. He went on to tell me some stories about encounters with celebrities. One time Beyonce - BEYONCE - was using the sound stages but they weren't allowed to look at her. Like when she walked into the room everyone had to turn around. And all the employees had to put tape over their cameras so they couldn't take any photos. That's so crazy.

After being regaled with some more stories about crazy celebrities, I went back to Events. However there were some new clients which I had actually talked to and taken their order, who wanted to rent. So today Joy was working on creating quotes for those clients, I asked if I could try creating a quote. She let me. Yay! So today I created two new quotes for two clients. So professional. While doing those I learned that it requires a lot of figuring it out yourself. The client is going off either a vision they have or the website. But the website is still being fixed so it doesn't always match inventory. So if the client was vague about what they want, you would input the closest thing and make a note about it. If they were specific and I couldn't find it on POR then I would look it up on the website and find the SKU (item number) and input that into POR. If nothing comes up then I make a note that we don't have that. So sometimes the client is super specific and sometimes not. You kind of just gotta go with it and make sure to keep diligent notes. 

In the afternoon I went over to help Leo and shadow him for a bit. Leo is in charge of tech such as speakers, mifi's, walkie's and such. Today he had a lot of orders but he was currently working on a small order with 10 walkie's and 10 surveillance kits that had to go out today. So I helped him label all the walkie's and test them. I learned if two walkie's on the same frequencies get too close when holding the talk button, you get feedback and it creates a bunch of weird noises. He used that to test that the walkie's going out were on the correct frequencies. Very smart. I then helped him scan all the items going out into the system and then we boxed them up. Simple and easy.

After helping him I went up to Sira. She was trying to get an okay from the sound stages for me to go into the stage and see the mystery celebrity and see what happens behind the scenes. Unfortunately she still didn't know who this mystery celebrity is. I go down back to Events and take a call for a client who is looking to rent some items for a TV show. Joy walks in and says that she knows who the mystery celebrity is. I am on the edge of my seat. 

The celebrity is...... Zendaya!

HOLY NUGGETS! I am in the same building as Zendaya, my literal hero! This is amazing. I was unfortunately unable to walk around the stage today but I will hopefully be able to tomorrow. After that exciting news the day proceeded on pretty normally. Answered a few phone calls and checked inventory for some items for Joy. Soon enough it was already time to go home. I was very happy with how today went. I got to create some quotes and learned about walkie's. And was in the same building as my hero. Overall a good day.

Fancy food that was set up at the stages

Leo and his workspace

Packaging for all the tech


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