
Showing posts from March, 2022

Day 8: The Finale

  Today was my last day in LA so why not go out with a bang? Sira was able to get us into the induction ceremony into the Walk of Fame for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Granted I don’t actually listen to them but I know they’re a big deal and also it’s just super exciting to be able to see that. When we got there it was pretty crowded. There were gates to hold back people. While there was an area with the setup and podium around where their star will be. We were able to get in because Line204 was providing some of the production equipment for this event. We checked in at the red stanchions and a fancy FBI looking man let us in. The band wasn’t here yet, but people were scrambling around to make sure everything went smoothly. We got in and I was introduced to some of Siras friends then we went to go stand in the corner. So we were out of the way. We were waiting for about an hour. Guests were trickling in. The attire was so different. Some of the guests were super fancy or wore an outgoing

Day 8: Chill Day

 Today was my last day coming to the office. I went to go help out in production. However today was a bit of a slow day down there. The only work they had to do was flip some pickups. This means that Shant would get the paperwork from the warehouse after the pick ups were picked up and he’d update the clients list of items and state the trucks they were in. Then once he’s done he’d print it out and give it to the guys so that they can easily check the items when they are returned.  Pretty simple. Since it was a slow day, we talked and chilled while waiting for the okay to go to the sound stages. Unfortunately despite being able to go to the stages, he said I would most likely not be able to see Zendaya. Apparently the crew comes in and sets everything up early and stays the whole day but the “talent” is only there for about an hour of the day. I guess that’s show biz.  While hanging out I took the time to pick Shant’s brain about different celebrity encounters and the inner workings of

Day 7: Mystery Celebrity

 Today when going into the office, the parking lot was packed. That means that the sound stages are being used. Which means there is somone with some sort of fame in the building. Unfortunately Sira (Mrs. Butler) didn't know who. So I dropped it. I went in and went to my usual "desk" (actually Janelles) in Events and Decor to answer phones. However Joy told me that it was Shant's birthday today. So of course I had to go tell happy birthday to one of the nicest people I've met. Unfortunately I did not have a present so I grapped a lollipop from Events large bowl of candy and headed off to production. I went over and wished him a happy birthday and gifted him with the wonderful lollipop I paid very much for. We got to talking and he was saying how he didn't know who was in the sound stage but apparently it was someone big. Okay curiosity about Mystery Celebrity is back. He said he knew that it was a big name because his friend was the manager that booked the sta

Day 6: Back in the Office

 Today I was back in the office helping out Events and Decor. I was helping answer phones and taking some orders as well. Yay promotion. However today was a bit of a slow day for everyone. There was not any pickups or new orders coming in. This week seems to be a lot less busy than last. The first calls I took were with some new clients just looking to see if we had a few items available. Unfortunately we didn’t end up creating a quote for either of the clients. However there was one client who was looking for some items for an event that we emailed back and created a quote. It was cool to be a part of that process.  Soon enough it was lunch time. I’m more of a snacker so I just chilled in the office and took messages and ran paperwork around when needed. Unfortunately like I said before it was a slow day. So during lunch there were no calls. After the lunch hour I got a few more calls. One of which was a large order. I definitely felt very professional asking the client for all the da

Day 5: Secretary part 2

 Today I was back with events and decor. The original plan was to go to their Hollywood sound stages today! Maybe meet some celebrities. Unfortunately it was a closed set, meaning I needed a negative test to enter. That means that someone Uber famous must’ve been there if they’re being strict. Sad to miss my fan girl moment. Today I instead shadowed Joy today. She is a new employee who is still learning the ins and outs of this job so it was nice to kind of see what she is learning right now. She was processing a new client today and an order. Because it was ordered today and needed to be picked up today it was a bit of a rush. She showed me how to make a quote for the job. Then we had to go out and look for some of the furniture they wanted. It was a fairly small order however the quantities of chairs that they wanted we didn’t have. So we had to find the ones that we did have in the warehouse and potential replacements. Something Joy was telling me is that for events, a lot of the eq

Day 4: A Day In Production

 Today I shadowed Shant in production. He was a great supervisor and gave me a detailed explanation of what they do on a daily basis.  First we went over the different steps you have to go through when a new order comes in. First thing they explained is how they get clients and orders. An important part of being in production is networking because most of their clients are free lance workers such as production managers or producers that get hired by companies. So it’s important to create a relationship with them so that they recommend Line 204 when they get hired for a new job. Many of the new clients are recommended by current clients. So it’s very important to create long lasting relationships with these people. After receiving an order, if it’s a new client they have to email the client a form to fill out to create a new account in the system as well as provide insurance. Who knew that there was insurance for this kind of stuff? Another interesting thing I learned is the last minute

Day 3: First Assistant Position

 Today two out of the three employees in the events department were out. So I was the backup. For the day I was Ms Christine’s assistant. I was shadowing and helping her with the rentals that she was working on as well as answering the phones. I was very scared to answer phones. I have been told my a few people I have some volume issues. Luckily the morning I had all of one phone call. I mostly was walking around the warehouse with Christine. There was a large last minute order that needed to be ready for Friday however some items still needed to be checked and we had to talk to the head warehouse man, Willy, to make sure it was doable. We first talked to Willy. Well they talked. In Spanish. I got maybe every 10 words. Really made me wish I took Spanish in high school. After she explained to me that Willy says that we can do it as long as everything is finalized today. However there was a few items on the order we needed to check.  We walked around the warehouse. We went to the linens

Day 2 - Event and Decor

 Today I was shadowing the head manager of events and decor, Janelle. To provide a visual, she reminded me of the actress who played Hawkeyes wife. She was very nice and has met Nick Jonas. So immediately given an A+ in my book. She gave me a rundown on the project she is currently working on. Due to Covid, there was a large renovation done at the warehouse that caused inventory to get a bit messed up. Meaning that they didn't what items they still had and how many. Which means neither did their website. Her project I was helping her with is renovating the website, combining the multiple websites they had for the company into one. Fortunately they had already done the dirty work of going out into the warehouse and taking inventory. All that needed to be done was to organize the notes so that they could pass the information to the tech team so that they could input in the website Easy peasy Janelle's office space where I worked Janelle printed out the website pages for each sect

Day 1 - Touring Line 204

 For the first day of my internship I was given an introductory tour of the Line 204 by the one and only Mrs. Butler. One of the most sweetest people I have ever met. The Line 204 warehouse was massive and full of so many different objects. There were so many different kinds of chairs. I didn't even know that many existed. She gave me a general tour of the warehouse and we made stops to meet all the heads of the different departments.  I was introduced to so many people who were all so welcoming and kind. One of the coolest things I saw was the production section. This is where all the sound stages are and where the magic happens. There was actually a commercial being shot of the makeup brand NYX. So amazing! I was totally having a touristy LA moment. Everyone else was like "oh it's just some company, this is just everyday," I obviously nodded along and continued to look professional while also internally freaking out.  I mean I live in Houston, nobody famous lives in